Tuesday, March 13, 2018


I need to review some techniques before I head out to the field, so here is information I have on taking portraits.
To start off, portraits are a way of representing an individual. It is essential the absolute image, figuratively and actually, that anyone has of someone. There are many cliches about how "what is on the inside what counts", but that isn't to say appearances don't matter. As said in the youtube video, The Art of Portraits Photography, there are a lot of reasons why portraits hold value in terms of obtaining an emotional response. The connection and sentiment a portrait holds is impactful to the audience. The most effective way to captivate an audience's attention is through portraits.
The basics to keep in mind when taking portraits are set out by Fstopper's "7 Tips Your Camera Manual Never Told You About Portrait Photography". People may believe that having the best camera is the most important aspect of any photoshoot, they often forget the importance of the models posture and composition. The make-up and clothing all play a role in carting the best pictures out there. I'm not an expert in using cameras, but I do have a Canon EOS at my disposal thanks to my older sister.
Since I am focusing on the individual and what makes them who they are, close-ups are probably the camera shot I will be using the most. Referring to the Dummies article about taking close-up portraits, understanding the settings and features of a camera will aid me during the process. Tips on positioning the model and the importance of eye contact came up in the brief article.
Although I still may not understand any of the buttons on the camera, I feel better prepared for this new obstacle I am to overcome. New strategies and features I never had heard of surfaced because of my research. Truly, the Internet is an amazing place.

> P., Hoyle, M., Finch, B., Diamond, J., & Levitas, E. (2013, August 8). The Art of Portrait Photography.
>Diamond, D., D., Facebook, Instagram, & Google. (2014, November 13). 7 Tips Your Camera Manual Never Told You About Portrait Photography. Retrieved March 15, 2018, from https://fstoppers.com/education/7-tips-your-camera-manual-never-told-you-about-portrait-photography-45422
>Taking Close-Up Portraits Using Your Digital SLR. (n.d.). Retrieved March 12, 2018, from http://www.dummies.com/photography/digital-photography/shooting/taking-close-up-portraits-using-your-digital-slr/

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