Monday, March 12, 2018

Meet Some of the Models

Finding the right people to represent Stagger was EXTREMELY exhausting. Most people I know shy away from a camera, and in asking them to look directly into the camera and give me raw emotion makes them run and hide. Nonetheless, I manage to find very interesting people to capture.

I've known Adriana for a little over a year now. She is nothing but generous and kind. There is not a day in which she couldn't bring a smile to anyone's face. For all that, like anyone else, she has had her fair share of struggles through life. More than I think any teenager should be even exposed to. I want to be able to relate her story with many other young adults that usually put on a "mask" in order to reassure the people around them. Adriana's involvement in the physical and emotional wellbeing of any stranger shocks me. Even though Adriana is all smiles, I hope to draw out a more sensitive or undefined side of her. Knowing that this isn't something either of us is use to, a lot of convincing will be in order.

Valentina is a gem. Other than being the best friend anyone can ask, her view on the world is drastically different from mine. Valentina's values and morals are not customary to mine, however we understand each other great. The anxiety and stress she endures on any given day is masked through her unique sense of style. Although she and many may believe her outfits as ordinary, I make out something completely exceptional. Family is something she puts above all other, therefore the passion and loyalty this young woman has is something I wish to highlight.

I meet Iniya only a couple months ago through a mutual club. She is very inspiring. Iniya is open and happy, something absolutely rare in a immigrant who moved to the United States with little to no friends. I've learned so much about the process of immigration through her story, and hope to highlight the importance of the system in my magazine. Iniya and her story will be the content of the two page spread. I will be feature the role culture has influenced day to day life.

I am super excited to be given the opportunity to represent these and many more individuals.

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