Saturday, March 31, 2018

Final Table Of Contents

As mentioned before, I needed to revaluate my table of content. It lacked pages, appropriate images, page numbers for the images, and the sizing was too big. Seeing that I only gave myself 3 days to work on the table of content, I shouldn't be surprised it didn't excel my expectations.
Now that I have given myself more time to generate story titles and I've been given feedback on how to move forward, my table of content is finally complete.

Seeing that I needed more stories and pages, I made the decision to thin out the black and white spacers. A member of the group meeting suggest that a description for each title would be appreciated. At first I didn't really think descriptions would be necessary and there was no room to put them in after the thinning, yet as shown above, there was, after all, some room. Although I do believe that the text cluster the page more than I would normally like it to, the title's do require a caption to express the intent of the magazine.
The text and style of the layout was not the only thing redone. I finally was able to fill out the pictures on the left side of the table of content! The toughest part was associating an image with the "Family vs. Individualism" story (page 85). I was between a family portrait or the image seen in the page. The deciding factor was that a majority of the family members would not be clearly visible, due to the fact that the framing would obstruct the view, removing all meaning to the picture.
Overall, I believe that my table of content is differently unique and informative. It maintains true to the image of Stagger and of myself. I'm glad I had the opportunity to re-examine the table of content before having to turn it in.

One point to my past planner self. Zero for my panicked future self.

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